Display Cabinet (Sold)

If you have been into Vibrant Vintage you will know that we have pieces of furniture throughout the shop.  We also have furniture in our garage as we have run out of space to display these pieces in the shop.  Below we have a lovely dark wood display cabinet, with cupboards above and below the display space.

114 (225x300)

Display cabinet £40

The display cabinet has latticed wood so you can see what you have displayed, however there is no glass behind the wood.

115 (300x225)

Display cabinet £40

The unit is 28″ in length, 15″ in depth and 47″ high.  The display cabinet is priced at £40 and looks great as it is or could be made over in shabby chic.

116 (225x300)

Display cabinet £40

If you are interested in the display cabinet please drop me an email to victoriaclaire@vibrantvintage.co.uk so I can arrange to take it to the shop.

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