On Thursday 1st May 2014 we are organising a charity fashion show to raise money for Senior Solutions, a Westhoughton charity (registered charity No. 1090662). The fashion show will take place at Brookfield Hall, which has very kindly been hired to us free of charge.

The idea behind the event is not only to raise money for a worthwhile charity but also to raise awareness of the varied and diverse businesses that Westhoughton has to offer. Vibrant Vintage will be taking part in the catwalk, as will local shop Status@BL5 and a young fashion designer, Alexandra Kay Designs.

The event will start at 7pm where you will be greeted with a goodie bag. You will then be able to browse a selection of stalls, all local businesses, prior to the fashion show. You will also to able to buy raffle tickets priced at £1 for 5, all money raised goes to Senior Solutions. Prizes include:
- Silver earrings – donated by Nash Jewellers
- 2 x one month gym memberships and 2 x five personal training sessions – donated by Body Torq
- 2 x £5 vouchers – donated by Pawsilicious
- cut and blow – donated by Capelli Lounge
- Shower head, hose and soap dish – donated by Bathroom Design & Supply Ltd
- 4 x £5 vouchers – donated by Waterfields
- 32GB memory stick – donated by AWK Computers
- 1 free hair cut and 1 free cut throat shave – donated by Kals Barbers
- Inline Skates – donated by Westhoughton Hardware
- 2 x £5 vouchers – donated by Gee Tees
- Jar of lemon curd – Kens Deli
- Tooth brush holder and soap dispenser – donated by Select Bathrooms
- 3 x book of discount vouchers – donated by Westhoughton market
- Vouchers for a hanging baskets and mugs- donated by Darby’s Garden Centre
- Two steaks and bottle of wine – donated by Weathersppons

The fashion show will then commence at 7.30pm, where Lane will compère and entertain for the evening. Our stunning local models will showcase the beautiful clothes from Status@BL5, Alexandra Kay Designs and Vibrant Vintage. The models will be having their hair styled by Jaks who are based in Westhoughton. Jaks have kindly donated a voucher for a cut and blow too! There will be a break between each catwalk where Antique Chic will be singing.

All clothes that you see on the catwalk are available to buy on the night. Following the fashion show, you will be able to have a browse of the clothes and have a glass of wine and some food.

Tickets are priced at £6, this includes nibbles and a goodie bag. All tickets will be entered into a prize draw to win 5 bottles of wine on the night. If you would like to buy a ticket, kindly printed by Infinity Imaging free of charge, please call into Vibrant Vintage, Status@BL5 or the café in the market.

If you are a local business we ask that you drop off 150 business cards so we can put these in the goodie bags that will be given to each customer. Furthermore, if you can put up a poster advertising the event or donate a raffle prize, items for the goodies bag or money to the charity please drop an email to victoriaclaire@vibrantvintage.co.uk

All photos from Body Confidential